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2017-2018年Common App重大改革:学生可邀请校外升学顾问辅导

发布时间:2017-04-14 作者:美国本科留学小编     来源:美国留学


   Common Application,美国大学通用申请系统,简称CA,是美国本土及国际申请者一站式完成大学申请材料的公用申请平台。申请美国本科,大部分学校需要通过 (通用申请)系统来完成申请。


  CommonApp 2017-2018年度最新文书题目变化

  Common App表示,题目改变的目的是为了帮助申请者能通过这些题目找到共鸣,更好地分享自己的故事。纵观这几年的文书题目变化,有大改也有微调。有时可能是怕问得太虚无缥缈,申请者不好回答;有时可能是担心学生写跑偏了,所以做了限定;有时是想到了一个更新的角度去了解学生……不管怎样,这都是为了让招生官更多更好得了解申请人。


  【题目1】Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.(没有变化)



  【题目2】The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? (微调)



  The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

  解读:去年的“failure”(失败),特别容易写成一部悔过书。此次弱化表达为“obstacles we encounter”(我们所遇到过的挫折)。并且也把incident/time更具体为challenge(挑战), setback(挫折), or failure(失败)。仍然是一个CA常见的表达变化,没有实质变化。


  【题目3】Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? (微调)

  回忆一次你质疑或挑战某种观念或想法的经历。是什么启发了你的思考呢? 结果如何?


  Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?



  如果你选这道题,需要注意critical thinking或者challenge a belief 不是代表你要全盘否定某个想法。世界不是非黑即白,很多学生在这道题目容易写得极端,这是不可取的。招生官希望看到的是:你怎么去权衡两个极端的。另外,忌写一读开头就让人想到结尾的文章。

  【题目4】Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.(无变化)


  解读:这种sense of community近几年来美国招生官非常地看中,看加州系统和新CAAS系统文书就知道了。每个都有一个题目是和community相关的。

  这道题目招生官最想看到的是你们problem-detecting和problem solving的能力,非常适合工科类、不爱肆意抒情的学生选择。这里大家很容易走入的误区就是:This problem should be big, significant, probably saving the whole society. 答案是否定的。你们是高中生,他们不会expect you to be a perfect person( 无所不能的学生),你这么厉害还来上什么大学呢?所以还是文书的原则,你必须以小见大。从小事儿出发。另外这道题目来讲,建议大家可以思考的是我身边有什么可以解决的问题呢?我可以为我的community带来什么的。

  【题目5】Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. (微调)



  Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.

  解读:题目把关键词“adulthood”换成了一段解释:sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.(激起了你的个人成长与对自己或他人的全新了解),重点从个人成长(personal growth),变为自己或者他人让你有感悟的事情,范围变宽。很多学生在写的时候,很容易忽略自己的“ethnic” 特色。也就是自己的地域特色。我们完全可以从这点出发。选这个题目,反思是非常重要的,如果写不出深刻的reflection,不建议选择这个题目,不然只会写出让招生官觉得shallow的文章。

  【题目6】Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? (新增)

  描述一个让沉迷其中,甚至忘记时间的话题、想法、理念。它哪里吸引你? 当你试图去了解更多的时候,你会求助于什么样的帮助?

  解读:这道题招生官希望看到applicants的学习动力以及学习能力,考察他们如何利用身边的资源来学习。这道题目适合有着强烈专业兴趣的学生选择。这可能跟“Why Major”系列撞车,目测写的人不会特别多。

  【题目7】Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. (新增)




  申请文书很重要。它是你展示个性和特质的媒介。 你是一个富有幽默感的数学天才,还是一个爱思考的,有着天马行空想象力的写作好手,都要通过个人申请文书来表现。题目出来了,构思写好却是一个艰难的过程。文如其人,好的文书往往能让招生官看到的时候会心一笑,心里已经给这学生点赞了。下面我们就来看看斯坦福大学校报刊登的一篇文章,文章摘录的是2012级新生在申请文书(个人陈述)中的第一句话,看完你就能明白为什么斯坦福要录取他们了。

  例一:Unlike many mathematicians, I live in an irrational world; I feel that my life is defined by a certain amount of irrationalities that bloom too frequently, such as my brief foray in front of 400 people without my pants.



  例二:Sitting cross-legged on the floor of a Bhimanagar slum dwelling in Bangalore, I ran my fingers across a fresh cut on my forehead.



  例三:When I was 8 years old, I shocked my family and a local archaeologist by discovering artifacts dating back almost 3,500 years.



  例四:I had never seen anyone get so excited about mitochondria.



  例五:I have old hands.



  例六:Flying over enemy territory, I took in Beirut's beautiful skyline and wondered if under different circumstances I would have hopped on a bus and come here for my vacation. Instead, I saw the city from the window of a helicopter, in military uniform, my face camouflaged, on my way to a special operation deep behind enemy lines.



  例七:Some fathers might disapprove of their children handling noxious chemicals in the garage.



  例八:I was paralyzed from the waist down. I would try to move my leg or even shift an ankle but I never got a response. This was the first time thoughts of death ever crossed my mind.



  例九:As an Indian-American, I am forever bound to the hyphen.



  例十:I have been surfing Lake Michigan since I was 3 years old.



  例十一:On a hot Hollywood evening, I sat on a bike, sweltering in a winter coat and furry boots.





  4月10日Common Application申请系统又做了一些改革,增加了一些功能



  Google Drive Integration: Students will now be able to easily access and upload documents, resumes, and school assignments while completing the Common App and the college-specific sections of the application. We know that many school districts have adopted Google Docs and Google Drive to enable their students and teachers to create, collaborate, and access shared documents from any internet connected device. We also recognize that some students do not always have personal computers at home but use Google Drive on school or library computers to store their documents. We want to meet students where they are. By using the systems that they are already using, we are making the process more accessible for students.


  这是今年CA申请系统的一个重大变化,依然是基于CAAS联盟申请系统功能模仿的。之前学生可以邀请在校升学顾问参与申请过程,而2017-2018年开始,通过CA系统递交申请的学生,还可以邀请校外资源,比如校外的申请顾问、独立咨询顾问及社区组织(community-based organizations)辅导自己的申请。

  CBO, Advising, and Recommender Enhancements: Students receiving support from advising and community-based organizations will be able to work with those counselors just as they work with their school-based counselors and teachers within the application. These individuals will then be able to manage their caseloads and view student progress within the Common App system. In addition, any student who wishes to do so will be able to share a view of their in-progress application with their school counselor, CBO counselor, or other advisor.

  Courses & Grades

  一些大学要求学生在申请过程中自行填写课程和成绩分数。CA新增Courses & Grades功能,意在将成绩递交流程精简、标准化。通过Courses & Grades,申请人自己可以填写高中课程和高中成绩,而填好之后,CA会进行整合,从而方便了学生、顾问和学校这三方。这一功能目前还在测试中,将在2017年8月1日后正式启用。

  Courses & Grades: Many students are required to submit self-reported high school academic records when applying to some colleges and universities. With Courses & Grades, students will be able to fill out their self-reported transcript information as part of their Common Application. By integrating the Courses & Grades section into the Common App, those students who are already sending this information will be able to complete and submit it with their Common App, making the process of self-reporting transcripts more standardized and streamlined for students, counselors, and colleges.

  Courses & Grades was developed from the feedback of member institutions, high school students, and counselors. The Common Application hosted a series of student and counselor focus groups with beta testing to determine how to make the self-reported transcript process accessible and efficient. Courses & Grades will launch in limited release on August 1, 2017.



  Spanish Language Resources: Key information for using the Common App will be translated so that students, parents, and other family members who speak Spanish as their first language can better understand the college admission process, including applying for financial aid and receiving virtual mentoring. This new tool will also benefit counselors who will be working with these families and will need Common App materials in Spanish.



  Hellenic College (MA)

  Vermont Technical College (VT)

  Dominican College (NY)

  Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ)

  York College of Pennsylvania (PA)

  Appalachian State University (NC)

  Barton College (NC)

  Catawba College (NC)

  East Carolina University (NC)

  Eastern Mennonite University (VA)

  Lincoln Memorial University (TN)

  Marshall University (WV)

  University of Houston (TX)

  Southern California Institute ofArchitecture (CA)

  University of Nevada, Las Vegas -UNLV (NV)

  University of Northern Colorado (CO)

  University of Oregon (OR)

  University of the West (CA)

  University of Wyoming (WY)

  Anderson University (IN)

  Art Academy of Cincinnati (OH)

  Cleveland State University (OH)

  Defiance College (OH)

  Kent State University (OH)

  Missouri University of Science andTechnology (MO)

  Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN)

  Trine University (IN)

  University of Minnesota, Morris (MN)

  University of Missouri (MO)

  University of Missouri - Kansas City (MO)

  University of Missouri - St Louis (MO)

  Western Michigan University (MI)

  Wheaton College (IL)


  Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar

  Duke Kunshan University (China)

  Monash University (Australia)

  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)

  University College Dublin (Ireland)





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