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发布时间:2018-01-12 作者:美国寄宿高中夏校     来源:美国寄宿高中夏校




1、菲利普斯学校安多佛Phillips Academy Andover

2、菲利普斯埃克塞特中学Phillips Exeter Academy

3、乔特罗斯玛丽中学Choate Rosemary Hall

4、霍奇基斯中学The Hotchkiss School

5、迪尔菲尔德学院Deerfield Academy

6、鲁米斯查菲高中The Loomis Chaffee School

7、凯特中学Cate School

8、北野山高中Northfield Mount Hermon School

9、韦伯中学The Webb Schools

10、摩尔西斯堡学院Mercersburg Academy

11、主教高中Episcopal High School

12、波特女子高中Miss Porter's School

13、布鲁克斯学校Brooks School

14、圣乔治学校St. George's School

15、霍克黛女子学校The Hockaday School

16、乔治城预科学校Georgetown Preparatory School

17、伽文纳中学The Governor's Academy

18、史蒂文森中学Stevenson School

19、萨菲尔德中学Suffield Academy

20、玛黛拉女子中学The Madeira School

21、迈斯特中学The Masters School

22、西城中学Westtown School

23、西储学院Western Reserve Academy

24、朴茨茅斯修道院中学Portsmouth Abbey School

25、朴茨茅斯修道院中学Portsmouth Abbey School

26、威利斯顿?诺塞普顿中学The Williston Northampton School

27、柯尔沃学院Culver Academies

28、泰博学院Tabor Academy

29、阿什维尔学校Asheville School

30、梳士巴利男子学校Salisbury School

31、圣安妮贝尔菲尔德学校St. Anne's-Belfield School

32、潘宁顿中学The Pennington School

33、怀俄明高中Wyoming Seminary

34、米尔布鲁克学校Millbrook School

35、湖森中学Lake Forest Academy

36、亚凡古农场中学Avon Old Farms School

37、麦卡利中学McCallie School

38、圣安德鲁学校Saint Andrew's School

39、贝勒中学Baylor School

40、圣卡塔利娜学校Santa Catalina School

41、雅典纳中学The Athenian School

42、艾索沃克女子高中The Ethel Walker School

43、石溪中学The Stony Brook School

44、弗吉尼亚主教中学Virginia Episcopal School

45、劳伦斯中学Lawrence Academy

46、格瑞森林中学Garrison Forest School

47、查塔姆霍尔学校Chatham Hall

48、伍斯特学院Worcester Academy

49、新汉普顿中学New Hampton School

50、库欣高中Cushing Academy

51、韦伯中学The Webb School

52、达林顿学校Darlington School

53、沙特克圣玛丽高中Shattuck-St. Mary's School

54、韦伯拉汉·莫森中学Wilbraham & Monson Academy

55、桑迪赛德学院Shady Side Academy

56、帕特尼中学The Putney School

57、蒙地维塔中学Monte Vista Christian School

58、福临特里奇圣心学院Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy

59、索尔伯瑞中学Solebury School

60、邓恩中学Dunn School

61、林顿女子中学Linden Hall School for Girls    

62、布鲁斯特学院Brewster Academy

63、维拉诺瓦高中Villanova Preparatory School

64、圣玛丽女子学校Saint Mary's School    

65、核桃山艺术高中Walnut Hill School for the Arts

66、伯科曼学校Perkiomen School

67、格里尔女子中学The Grier School

68、基督教中学Christchurch School

69、特尔菲学校Delphian School

70、布利吉中学Blue Ridge School

71、桑顿中学Thornton Academy

72、罗斯中学Ross School

73、西北中学The Northwest School

74、圣约翰学院St. Johnsbury Academy

75、布兰登中学Brandon Hall School

76、温彻顿中学The Winchendon School

77、西南中学Southwestern Academy (CA)

78、加州艺术高中Idyllwild Arts Academy

79、福莱伯学院Fryeburg Academy

80、北部罗沃德预备学校North Broward Preparatory School

81、圣玛格利特女子中学St. Margaret's School

82、橡树山学院Oak Hill Academy

83、波士顿剑桥文理中学CATS Academy Boston

84、斯特姆国王学校The Storm King School

85、福克斯克罗夫特学院Foxcroft Academy

86、缅因中央学院Maine Central Institute

87、华盛顿学院Washington Academy

88、西南学院Southwestern Academy AZ

89、肯特山学校Kents Hill School

90、因特劳肯艺术学院Interlochen Arts Academy

91、瓦莱弗格军事学院Valley Forge Military Academy

92、贝森山中学Besant Hill School

93、马萨纳腾军事学院Massanutten Military Academy

94、杰斯汀-西耶那大学预备高中Justin-Siena High School

95、圣安德鲁塞沃尼学校St. Andrew's-Sewanee School

96、福克联合军校Fork Union Military Academy

97、诺克斯学校The Knox School

98、奥玛中学The Orme School of Arizona

99、纽约军校New York Military Academy

100、福尔曼高中Forman School

101、陆海军寄宿学校Army and Navy Academy

102、麻渥伍德中学The Marvelwood School

103、哈格雷夫军事高中Hargrave Military Academy

104、斯卡特古德学校Scattergood Friends School

105、密苏里军事学院Missouri Military Academy

106、圣约翰西北军校St. John's Northwestern Military Academy

107、法拉古特舰队上将中学Admiral Farragut Academy

108、麦尔学院Maur Hill - Mount Academy

109、卡姆登军校Camden Military Academy

110、大河中学Grand River Academy

111、新墨西哥军事学院New Mexico Military Institute

112、兰德马克学校Landmark School

113、圣约翰军事中学St. John's Military School

114、佛罗里达空军学院Florida Air Academy

115、圣斯坦尼斯洛斯学院St. Stanislaus College

116、高尔中学The Gow School

117、先锋学校The Vanguard School-FL

118、克尔德南高中The Kildonan School

119、鹰溪中学Eaglebrook School

120、瑞克特瑞中学The Rectory School

121、岚基昊学校Rumsey Hall School

122、北郡中学North Country School

123、卡迪根山中学Cardigan Mountain School

124、希尔塞得中学Hillside School

125、菲尔中学Fay School

126、印第安山中学Indian Mountain School

127、比门特中学Bement School

128、伊奥拉尼书院'Iolani School

129、夏威夷预备学校Hawaii Preparatory Academy

130、菲斯登中学The Fessenden School

131、英孚海外寄宿高中 - 纽约校区EF Academy International School



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  博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1833271564





  【罗德岛顶尖高中】Rocky Hill School 罗基希儿中学

  Trinity School三一学校-美国最牛的走读高中!



