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发布时间:2015-05-05     来源:美国留学
























1、GDP衡量一个国家的总收入和总产出。GDP is the market value (产量*价格)of all final goods and services (只算最终产品,比如西班牙人吃一种用橡树果喂养的猪,那么被猪吃了的那些橡树果就不算,只算猪,不然就重复计算了,因为猪的价格里已经包括橡树果的成本了;供人吃的那些橡树果当然算)produced(当年生产的才算,二手货交易不算;疑难点是当年生产但没卖出去的怎么办?也计入GDP,算在investment里的存货) within a country(无论国籍,只要在地理范围内就算) in a given period of time.


2、GDP的组成部分 Components of GDP,国家在统计每年GDP时,看家庭、企业、政府和国外四部分在当年的消费情况。GDP=C+I+G+NX恒等式




Investment:企业投资,包括建工厂、买设备、新建住宅、存货(当年没卖出的,默认企业自己“买”了,例如联想2010年生产500台电脑,家庭购买300台,剩余200台,计入2010年的Consumption为 300*单价,计入Investment为200*单价,2011年那200台也被家庭购买走了,于是2011年的Consumption为200*单 价,Investment为负200*单价,正负抵消,于是2010年生产的那500台全部计入了2010年GDP,没有在2011年重复计算)等。


Government Purchase:各级政府为的公务花费,如公务员工资、公务车、公共服务建设、公立学校老师工资等。


Net exports:净出口(出口-进口)。疑难点:为什么要减去进口呢?因为在算C、I、G的时候,并未区分是否是进口货,比如家庭或企业或政府买了一辆进口车,这时候算出来的GDP就不符合定义了(within a country),因此要刨除进口部分。


3. 实际与名义GDP Real vs. nominal GDP

前者是按固定价格计算的物品与劳务的生产,后者指按当年价格计算的。设定一个基准年base year很关键,我国在统计这些年的GDP时都把2000年作为基年。


4、GDP deflator=100*名义GDP/实际GDP



例如,在2000年建了3套100平米住宅,单价是20万,而09年同样的住宅建了6套,单价是100万。基年是2000年的话,2009年的名义GDP是 6*100=600万,实际GDP是6*20=120万。2000年的名义GDP=3*20=60万,实际GDP=3*20=60万。09年的GDP平减 指数为100*600/120=500,2000年的GDP平减指数为100,平减指数反映了当年的物价水平,因此能看出09年的物价是2000年的5 倍。



Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies (20–30%) 通货膨胀、失业与稳定政策






  1. inflation: an increase in the overall price level=decrease of purchase power of currency

  2. when increasing money supply, real wealth shifts to money maker

  3. Money neutrality: a pone time change in money supply will have no real effect in the long run.

  4. Shoe leather costs: the effort made to decrease the effect of inflation. Like withdrawing money to purchase real good.

  5. Menu costs: cause of price stickiness. There is cost to change price so company will not change price immediately until MB>MC

  6. contract: cause of wage stickiness, usually for a year

  7. Rational expectation: people expect inflation and act accordingly. The average error of expectation is zero.

  8. GDP deflator: one way to calculate inflation: divide nominal GDP by real GDP and multiply by 100.

  9. CPI: takes a fixed basket of good and calculate their price

  10. CPI vs. GDP deflator: CPI only looks at consumer goods. Also people tend to buy less of one thing if price increases so CPI is not accurate. A common problem for both ways is that they do not take into account the quality. A good with better quality now is still counted the same as before.

  11. Deflation: inflation is negative. It is very harmful as interest rate can not be lower than zero.



  1. people employed/total labor force=unemployment rate

  2. those not looking for a job, too young and prisoner or patient are not counted in labor force

  3. Discouraged worker: people who give up looking for a job. More discouraged workers can increase employment rate.

  4. Types of unemployment: seasonal, structural, frictional and cyclical. Seasonal, structural and frictional are unavoidable so no cyclical unemployment means full employment, or natural rate of unemployment.

  5. effect of unemployment: lower output(Okun’s law: for every percent of unemployment higher than natural rate, GDP is 2percent lower than potential), stress, workers loses skill, send a bad signal to employer

  6. Bias about unemployment: the leisure people experience when not having a job decrease the negative effect of unemployment. However, the life is stressful and people may spend some of the time looking for a job and these factors make things worse.


Aggregate demand egate demand

  1. AD: total expenditure in a country

  2. AD is downward sloping because:

    (a)wealth effect: the higher the price level, the less you can buy with a fixed amount of money

    (b) interest rate effect: higher price level—carry more money—less savings—higher interest rate—lower investment

    (c) Exchange rate effect: higher price level—carry more money—less savings—higher interest rate—appreciate currency—more import and less export

  3. Shifts of AD: changes in expectations, animal spirit (confidence), change in money supply, fiscal policy


Aggregate supply

  1. Aggregate supply: total supply. The long run AS curve is vertical, only affected by change in resources and technology. Short run AS is upward sloping.

